Take care of your baby's oral health.

Last updated: 30 Mar 2023  |  1263 Views  | 

Take care of your baby's oral health.

Take care of your baby's oral health.

Wiping your child's mouth is important. due to milk stains that follow the gums and baby's tongue May cause white blemishes.

As we all know, breast milk is the best natural food for your baby. Because it is nutritious, easy to digest, immune, clean and convenient, mothers should breastfeed for at least 3-4 months. By using a clean, soft cloth wrapped around the fingertips moistened with clean water to wipe the gums of the little one. This will make it easy for your child to accept brushing when it's time to brush. And cleaning especially the gums is like preparing for the little teeth. of the child to go up

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